DramaWorks Film Factory offers courses in acting for screen for adults. Have you acted before but would like to hone your skills? Perhaps acting was always something you wanted to try? Then this course is designed for you!

For those who would like to audition for film work these classes develop confidence in working in front of the camera and basic screen acting skills. How to self-tape, audition and work on set.

Trimester 1:

Led by an experienced actor we teach the fundamentals of acting for screen. Through exercises and vocal work we learn how to give truthful and natural performances. Using short scenes we learn about character development and how to break down the scene into beats. We playback scenes so you can receive feedback from your tutor and peers.

Trimester 2 and 3:

During the second and third trimesters we continue to work on our acting skills but also on more technical aspect of film making. Explore different genres from comedy and drama to commercials and presenting. We use basic story boarding, devising and writing to create a short film. Learning to work as a team to tell a story though the eyes of the camera and take a role as a creator and director. By performing in your own movie and taking part in the creative process helps us to engage in our acting performance and work collaboratively with others.
Hit the red carpet! After all the hard work, we can sit back and present our film to family and friends at our premier! 


SUNDAYS 14:00 - 16:00
BUDA: Jurányi Inkubátorház (2nd Floor, Scallabouche Room), Jurányi utca 1. Map


This course course will start when we have enough participants. Please complete the registration or email to express you interest. Thank you!

Trimester 1: 15. September - 15. December 2024 (holidays: 3. Nov) POSTPONED START DATE
Trimester 2: 12. January - 30. March 2025
Trimester 3: 6. April - 15. June 2025 (holidays: 20. April & 4. May)
Premier: 15. June

FEE: 96 000 HUF per trimester 
Fees due: Sept. / Dec / March

(If you join mid course we calculate on pro-rata basis)


Please read terms and conditions before registering!