Our adult music theatre course is for those who which to sing as well as act. Whether you have previous experience or have just always loved musicals! This course will help build your skills and confidence. Explore the magic of the musicals both old and new in a fun and dynamic class. We will teach you the fundamentals of Music Theatre including vocal technique, characterisation, and performance skills including movement and choreography.
Our first trimester concludes with a performance show case for friends. At the end of the third trimester we perform a musical in the theatre!

WEDNESDAYS 18:30 - 20:30
BUDA: Jurányi Inkubátorház (Scallabouche Room, 2nd Floor), Jurányi utca 1. Map
Trimester 1: 25. September - 11. December 2024 (holidays: 23. Oct Open lesson: 11. Dec)
Trimester 2: 8. January - 26. March 2025 (holidays: 23. April)
Trimester 3: 2. April - 1. June 2025 (holidays: 23. April)
Show dates: 25. May & 1. June
FEE: 96 000 HUF per trimester
Fees due: Sept. / Dec. / March
Show fee: 15 000 HUF due April
(If you join mid course we calculate on pro-rata basis)
Please see terms and conditions before registering!