STAGE 3 (ages 12-14)
Through fun drama games and exercises students develop confidence, voice production and performance skills. Through studying valuable improvisation techniques they learn characterisation and expression. Improvisation also encourages team work. Structured mime activities help students to learn the importance of body language and gesture and how to use this in their performance.
Students explore a variety of texts including poems and scripts. At this level we begin to work on pieces which require a deeper interpretation of character and situations.
Most of all we encourage students to enjoy the magic of bringing the text alive and to the stage.

In Music Theatre students enjoy the pleasure of singing and improving their vocal technique. They explore a variety of songs from the musicals both old and new. We study characterisation through movement and choreography.
Show Time! At the end of the second semester students take part in our end of year musical. We choose an enjoyable story suitable for their age group. We believe every child has a special talent and there is always a role for everyone to play!
SATURDAYS 12:00 – 14:00 (AGES 12-14)
PEST: Angyalföldi József Attila Művelődési Központ, Budapest, Koral Room, 1st. Floor, József Attila tér 4. 1131 - MAP
TTrimester 1: 14. September - 14. December 2024 (holidays: 26. Oct & 2. Nov. Open lesson 30. Nov. )
Trimester 2: 11. January - 29. March 2025 (holiday 15. March)
Trimester 3: 6. April - 1. June 2025 (holidays: 19. April, 3. May 31. May)
Show date: 1. June
FEE: 96 000 HUF per trimester
Fees due: Sept / Dec. / March /
Show fee: 15 000 HUF due May
MONDAYS 16:30 - 18:00 (AGES 11-14)
BUDA: Jurányi Inkubátorház (Scallabouche Room, 2nd Floor), Jurányi utca 1. Map
Trimester 1: 16. September - 9 December 2024 (holidays: 28. Oct. Open lesson 2. Dec)
Trimester 2: 6. January - 24. March 2025
Trimester 3: 31. March - 1. June 2025
Show date: 1. June
FEE: 84 000 HUF per trimester
Fees due: Sept. / Dec. / March
Show fee: 15 000 HUF due May
10% sibling discount on second child.
(If you join mid course we calculate on pro-rata basis)
Please read terms and conditions before registering!